... to deal with subject matters of apologetics, theology, and other content when relevant, pertaining to, or touching upon apologetics or theology. The Reformer is for equipping the saints to defend the faith, but we also seek contact with the unbelieving world for the furtherance of God's kingdom and for His glory.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Known "Socialist" Sanders Commits Economic Fallacy in Speech...
Recently, known "socialist" Bernie Sanders, as part of his 2016 presidential election campaign, stopped in San Pedro, CA to give a speech and committed a well-known economic fallacy called ...ThiS iS hOw wE HAve To coMmuniCAte riGht NOW: Known "Socialist" Sanders Commits Economic Fallacy...:
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Christianity was not invented at the Council of Nicea
Despite the fact that we are in the age of information, there are still people who think that Christianity was invented at the Council of Nicea. (?) No, Christianity was not invented at the Council of Nicea. I found this great and informative video created by the director of the Ratio Christi Club at Cal State Fullerton outlining church history in regards to what is called the first council of Nicea. I am sorry that all this will be a news flash for some people.