Thursday, March 17, 2016

A Hard Question for Muslims

  In reference to the video- A Muslim Tries My Question from TheReformedapologist youtube, this blog's writer.
     A lot of hard questions for Muslims will have to do with scriptural preservation and Qur'an preservation. The main question I asked the muslim in this video was, "Why (in his belief system) did God (Allah) preserve the Qur'an and not the Bible?" There are internal contradictions in the beliefs of muslims concerning this point, and it is made more complicated by the fact that the Qur'an may or may not imply that we should find that the New Testament was corrupted. According to this person, the Qur'an never claims the injil (gospel or New Testament) is corrupted - Qur'an Contradiction...  A different muslim was telling me in comment boxes on youtube that the Qur'an implies corruption of the New Testament text in what appeared to be Quran 5:72-73. Either way, those who believe in the Qur'an will have trouble answering the question. If they accept that the New Testament was never corrupted, then how are they then going to resolve the obvious contradictions between the Bible and the Qur'an? If they believe the New Testament was corrupted, then how will they deal with the internal contradictions in the Qur'an, because of the various verses dealing with the injil (gospel) and how Allah preserved the "message sent down." And if that verse (Qur'an 15:9) only means the Qur'an was preserved, then why did Allah, (being sovereign over the possible preservation of texts in their point of view), preserve the Qur'an and not the Bible (in Muslims' points of view)?
   Not to mention the fact that the Qur'an also says that God's revealed words cannot be changed (Qur'an 6:115, 18:27, 10:64). See also the Sam Samoun article on this.  This would seem to be in contradiction with the beliefs of most Muslims that that New Testament was changed, because the Qur'an teaches that the injil (gospel) is from Allah.
    I don't think it can be said, either, that the Qur'an depicts that there was a separate different "injil" given to Jesus from what the Christians had at the time, and that this "injil" just got lost, not corrupted. If that was the case (that the original injil was just lost) then why didn't God preserve this, but preserved the Qur'an? If it was the same as the Qur'an, why is it called "injil," a different name and talked about in such terms as Qur'an 3:3, as if there's an old and new testament, a law and a gospel? No, it is talking about the Bible. Qur'an 3:3 and other verses (13:38, 53:36-37, 87:19, 4:163, 17:55, 21:105) seem to say that the law and the gospel were a separate previous revelation from the Qur'an. Sam Shamoun also wrote an article about the Qur'an confirmation of the Bible   There is very much evidence to say that the Qur'an affirms the Bible as we know it now as God's word.
     I've written down the serious of questions I asked in the above video and the way muslims should be answering below, because it sets up the final question well about scriptural preservation.

1. Does the Qur'an speak of the Bible?
Muslim:  Yes       (see (note- though Qur'an 29:46 and others are supposed to be "abrogated" verses.)

2. Does it speak of the Gospel?
Muslim: Yes.  (Qur'an 5:46, 19:30, 3:3)

3. Did God give the gospel in the Bible to Christians?
Muslim: Yes  (Qur'an 5:47, 5:68, 6:114, 48:29

4. Did God give the Qur'an?
Muslim: Yes  (Qur'an 44:1-3, 97:1, 2:185, 17:106)

5. Is Allah sovereign over the preservation of the Quran?
Muslim: Yes  (Qur'an 15:9)  The Qur'an also says that God's revealed words cannot be changed (6:115, 18:27).

6. Why did Allah preserve the Qur'an and not the Bible?

  The discussion went into the nature of God, because at the time I knew that the Qur'an says that "Allah is the greatest of the deceivers" (Qur'an 3:54, cf. 8:30)  (see also Sam Shamoun's article on this.) which means that the very nature of the Allah of the Qur'an is different than the nature of the God of the Bible.
   The above questions bring to light a set of contradictions in documents and beliefs which are a very big mess, but the mess is in Islam. Also, all of this is just the beginning of the discussion. I published a followup video after the first video "A Muslim Tries my Question" on TheReformedapologist, linked here: Question for Muslims, part 2  In this video I followed all the thinking through to its logical consequences.

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