In regards to my last post, some may wonder why I'm presenting information which proves that there's no way around a literal interpretation of the Qur'an if I don't want Muslims committing horrific acts of violence. Let me reassure people that the tension is not within my own worldview, but that of the followers of Islam. Everyone meets on the common ground which is God's created world with God-given conscience, and that is one of the main points of contact Christians have with the unbelieving world. Our Bible explains creation, conscience, and morals, and is consistent on all points, including God's commands. If one follows the teachings of the Qur'an and adopts Islam as his or her worldview, then one will be subscribing to a worldview in conflict with what one knows in one's conscience to be acceptable moral behavior. There will be no way to ever resolve that internal tension in one's thought system for as long as one is professing Islam as one's worldview. It looks like the writer of the article I was commenting on, Nabeel Qureshi, got bend out of shape for a long time during his life in trying to resolve that internal tension, and then finally abandoned Islam for Christianity. You cannot ask me, Mr. Black, to help others resolve it any other way. There is no other way out of it- the foundational doctrines of Islam were set down long ago even. Furthermore, the teachings of Islam are not the truth of the matter. People are being sold a bill of goods which is actually a pack of lies. This pack of lies says, among other things, that all paths lead to God and all paths lead to heaven. Not true. (and that type of universalism and relativism is not supposed to be a teaching in Islam at all! They just tend to talk that way!)
If there is some kind of difficulty here, it is the various dilemmas involved in how to get the necessary truths out to people when those truths are going to have a reprehensible quality to them due to the fact they've already bought into a pack of lies. I would agree that not all truths are worth speaking. Some truths are worth speaking, though. The flawed doctrines of Islam have to be exposed for what they are so that people can see properly what they've been asked to believe in, follow, endorse, etc. Morality is on my side in these arguments, as Islam, when properly examined and exposed, will be shown to endorse, condone, sanctify and justify immoral and unconscionable behavior. Conscience does not allow for the type of senseless and needless violence supposedly commanded by "Allah" in the Qur'an.
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