Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Insufficiency of General Revelation and "Inescapable Revelation"

   In regards to a remark I made about "inescapable revelation" in the post "Even the Name of Jesus Implies the Gospel Message and Exclusivity" from Saturday March 5, 2016, I am posting here a previous video blog that I delivered in 2011 on TheReformedapologist YouTube Channel about General Revelation and the Insufficiency thereof. In theology, general revelation, or natural revelation, refer to knowledge about God and spiritual matters, discovered through natural means, such as observation of nature (the physical universe), philosophy and reasoning. People cannot come to saving knowledge of God through unaided reason and observation of the natural world.. However, we don't live in a vacuum where the gospel is never heard either, so the concept of "inescapable revelation" holds much force.
   Anyway, why re-blog something I already blogged?
     Video- Insufficiency of General Revelation- TheReformedapologist
     And the video I am referring to (Systematically Dismantling Atheism!!!!!) (gotta love it!):

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