A lot of people that know me wonder why I act as I do and place emphasis on things in life such as my blogs, and why I prioritize the way I do. To tell you the truth several years ago I was shown a vision of hell, by the hand of God I'm sure. I did not have a near death experience and go to hell. I did not experience hell in a dream world. I was simply shown an extensive vision of hell in my mind's visual field. I have seen such a vision on two different occasions. All this is quite aside from the details of my preparation to run this blog.
It is not really necessary to share the full extent of my vision here- the vision falls into the category of "spiritual experiences." The vision didn't contradict the scripture's teachings on hell. There were simply a lot of small details in the vision that the Bible is silent on. When I tried to tell others, the details of the vision caused disputes. Therefore, it would only cause division and arguments to describe everything I saw in the vision in this post. The bible tells me to avoid endless and needless arguing. But not only would I be speaking in some respects where the Scriptures are silent, also my investigation subsequent to the vision took me into some territory and terrain where it is hard to say for sure if I am right. I was even, at the time, looking into Bob Morey's book Death and the Afterlife, and was able to confirm several more things from the vision from that book.
Jesus taught extensively about hell, as the Bible inerrantly records. What we know from Jesus's teachings in the scriptures is that:
1) you can't leave hell if assigned there (Luke 16:19-31)
2) God gave humanity sufficient warning as to how to avoid hell (Luke 16:27-30)
3) it's a fiery furnace (Matthew 13:42)
4) there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 13:42)
5) it's a place of outer darkness (Matthew 8:12)
6) it is punishment for eternity (Matthew 25:46, Revelation 14:9-11)
7) it's a place of torment (Luke 16:23)
8) worms don't die there (Mark 9:43-48)
9) it is comparable to a fiery garbage pit called "gehenna" (Matthew 5:29 for example)
10) there are differing levels of punishment in hell (Matthew 11:20-22)
This is just a short list of information about hell from Jesus's teachings. I can tell you from examining the biblical evidence that the vision I saw probably really actually is what the different levels of hell look like (different levels of punishment). Jesus taught with a high level of class and dignity (with perfection actually), when he talks about hell- his language is loaded with enough information to warn us that hell is a bad place we would not want to go to. However, he does not over-indulge in all the finer details of the various types of torment people will undergo here. It is simply a smattering of the right type of detail- with precise language. I just say this because the vision I saw was very much an atrocity [that is not to say God is unjust. I can't find a better word that encapsulates all of it from a human point of view], and gave me the feel that hell is a place that no one in their right mind would want to go to. Have faith in Jesus to save you from that destination.
To bring the discussion back around to where I began, I've seen what hell looks like. The experience has influenced me and contributed to the way I order my life.
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